*** Happy Holidays! ***
Falken Avionics will be closed for Christmas break from December 23 - January 3, 2025
Have a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

FlightView on Kitplanes

Marc Cook from Kitplanes Magazine dropped by on Friday and shot a quick video on FlightView. Check it out here.

FlightView In The App Store!

I’m very happy to announce that the FlightView app is now available in the Apple App Store! To install it, go to the App Store on your iPad and search for “FlightView EFIS” or click this link.

Oshkosh 2021 – See You There!

EAA AirVenture 2021 (aka “Oshkosh”) is only a month away. I’m very happy to announce that Falken Avionics will be exhibiting and I will be presenting a Forum on FlightView. We will be back in the same booth location as 2019 – Hangar A, Aisle E, Booth 1043. If you’re able to make it to […]

App Update: v0.4r22 – Bug Fix and Engine Logging

TL;DR – version v0.4r22 of the FlightView app is now available in TestFlight. It fixes a bug with the RPM counter and adds an engine data logging feature. Quick Fix Well, that was quick. Last night I received a bug report that changing the “Ignition Events Per Rotation” value (i.e. the number of pulses the […]

App Update: v0.4r21

I am pushing out v0.4r21 to TestFlight with a set of fixes to issues uncovered in the past week. This version requires the same FlightBox firmware as the release last week (v2.3r1-7121b8ce98), so if you’ve already updated your FlightBox Pro EXP all you need is the new version of the app. (If you’ve not updated […]

App and Firmware Update: Custom Sensors, Better Terrain, Bug Fixes

So after several months of coding and testing I’m pleased to announce the release of version 2.3r1 of the FlightView firmware and version 0.4r20 of the FlightView app. This update is both relatively minor (no really flashy new features) and very important. You can install or update the app now from TestFlight, and the app […]

Oh, THAT Global Parts Shortage

Using off-the-shelf components is usually a great thing: we get to take advantage of the massive economies of scale created by the mobile device industry. Unfortunately, we also compete with the mobile sector for those parts when there’s a surge in demand. Covid has driven a massive boom in the tablet market, and many tablets […]

Move to Texas, they said…

Apologies to anyone waiting on an order. The winter storm currently gripping the United States has crippled the electrical grid here in Texas. We’re currently operating with power about half the time and the temperature in the hangar / office / shop is hovering at 29° F as of this morning. Rumor has it that […]

Status Report: Engine Monitor Update

Since launching the FlightView system the majority of the enhancement requests I’ve received are related to the engine monitor. A partial list of these requests includes: support for ___ sensor / sender / probe / pickup support for liquid cooled engines support for engines with speed reduction gearboxes support for turbine engines support for twin […]

New Name, Same Guy, Same Stuff

Back in January of 2016 I launched Open Flight Solutions with a Kickstarter to fund the development of FlightBox, a kit for building a Stratux-based ADS-B receiver. At that point I was living in the Kansas City area, and I incorporated in Missouri. Since that time I’ve moved twice – first to California and later […]

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