FlightView Update – 11/23/20
I’m pleased to announce the release of v0.4 release 11 of the app and v2.2r0 of the firmware – a significant milestone on the way to 1.0. This update includes a large number fixes and a number of new features. However, it is very important to note the following: THIS VERSION OF THE APP WILL […]
Firmware Hot-Fix 2.1r1 for FlightView
I’ve put together a “hot-fix” update that includes a number of fixes and a few small features. As a hot-fix, this update will need to be installed manually (rather than from the FlightView app). As none of the fixes are critical, feel free to skip this unless you need one of the two new features. […]
FlightView FAQ Now Available
I’ve been compiling frequently asked questions about FlightView and now have a pretty good start on a “living” document. I will be adding to this on a regular basis. If you have a question that’s not on the list, please email it to questions@falkenavionics.com and I’ll do my best answer it.
FlightDock / FlightBar Install Manual Available
I’ve published a copy of the installation guide and diagram on the FlightDock product page. If you run into any questions or issues with the installation, please let me know. Here are direct links: FlightDock Mounting Diagram and FlightDock / FlightBar Installation Guide
Alive And Well In Austin
Just a quick note to let everyone know that the move is complete and we are now located at Breakaway Airpark in Cedar Park, a suburb of Austin Texas. Our new address is: Falken Avionics 2901 Kenai Drive Cedar Park, TX 78613 Production has resumed on the FlightBox and FlightView lines. We’re currently running about […]
Falken Avionics Moving To Austin, Texas
So if you’ve been following this blog for the past several years you might recall that we moved from Liberty, Missouri (a suburb of Kansas City) to Cupertino, California in 2018. That move was the result of a fantastic career opportunity for my wife Amy. Well, two years later she has been offered a promotion […]
FlightView Simulator Now Available
We’re getting close to a 1.0 release of the FlightView app. I just pushed the latest beta version to Apple’s TestFlight. It should be approved and available to all beta testers in the next 24 – 48 hours. I’ve had several users ask for a way to see FlightView in action without actually having to […]
How Not To Install ADS-B Out
Ironically, you might think, I waited until the very last minute to get ADS-B Out installed (well, re-installed) in my RV-6A. The RV arrived back in 2017 with a Dynon system which included Dynon’s (which is actually Trig’s) Mode S transponder. Within a few weeks I swapped out the standard GPS for the 2020-complaint version […]
Introducing Chekov: Voice Checklists for Pilots
For the past few weeks I’ve been working on an interactive checklist feature for FlightView, our iPad-based EFIS. This checklist feature lets you create lists containing items which FlightView can display and also play as an audio prompt. (Think: “Flaps to 20 degrees.”) You acknowledge the list item by either tapping a button or by […]
Installing FlightView Beta From TestFlight
A quick post to cover the process of installing the FlightView app on your iPad. The process is as follows: 1) Install Apple’s TestFlight app on the iPad. 2) Click this link (in Safari, on your iPad) to join the FlightView beta. Then follow the instructions in TestFlight to install the app. Once it has […]