*** Happy Holidays! ***
Falken Avionics will be closed for Christmas break from December 23 - January 3, 2025
Have a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

AHRS Side-By-Side Test

The FlightBox AHRS isn’t quite as smooth as the G1000, but given the $80,000 difference in price I’m not going to complain.

AHRS In Action Video

Pardon the poor video work, but it’s actually rather difficult to fly and film at the same time. This brief clip shows the new AHRS board in action. It’s a production board with beta software. The pitch is dead-on. Roll is off a bit, because the FlightBox was sitting in the seat beside me rather […]

AHRS / GPS / Baro Board Available For Pre-Order

Since we launched FlightBox last January, the most frequent request – by far – has been to add AHRS capabilities. We started working on a design as soon as we dug out from under the avalanche of Kickstarter orders in March. After nine months of designing, re-designing, refactoring and prototyping I am happy to announce that now […]

Preview Available: Serial Output for EFIS, MFD

One of the top three requests I’ve received since launching FlightBox is a way to send the ADS-B data to an EFIS or MFD. FlightBox usually delivers ADS-B and (optionally) GPS data to a display system over Wifi. This works very well for tablets and newer portable navigators, but there are many in-panel displays that […]

Is The FAA’s TIS-B Policy Killing Pilots?

I hate to use a click-bait headline like that, but the recent news of yet another GA mid-air collision has me angry. Last summer a Cessna 150 and an F-16 collided near Monck’s Corner, South Carolina, killing the pilot and passenger in the Cessna. Two weeks ago a Cessna Caravan and a Piper cub collided […]

v1.0 Image File Now Available

The system image file linked from the Re-Imaging Tutorial is now updated to include v1.0r1 of the Stratux software. The image has been tested on both Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 3 systems with positive results. Note: Users only need to re-image their data card if they experience difficulties with an update or receive error notices […]

Firmware Version 1.0 Now Available

For the past several months FlightBox has been shipping with a copy of Stratux v0.8r2. After several months of testing we’re happy to announce that an update to Stratux v1.0r1 is now available. 1.0 fixes a number of minor issues. Updates to the software include: Fixed erroneous ownship altitude values Fixed occasional crashes caused by […]

FlightBox ADS-B Now Available Fully Assembled

Low Cost Safety-Enhancing Technology Now Available To Everyone When we launched on Kickstarter back in February we declared the beginning of a Kit Avionics Revolution. Since then we’ve sold over 1200 FlightBox kits to pilots all over the world. In so doing we’ve learned a lot about ADS-B and about the aviation market. The Kit Avionics Revolution […]

More Power: Battery, Cigarette Lighter Adapter Now Available

When we launched FlightBox we consciously decided to go with a simplified design that did not include an internal battery. Batteries add weight, complexity, and liability to any product. By offering FlightBox with a standard 5v USB power input, we gave our users the option of using a cigarette lighter adapter, a battery, a solar […]

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