OFS At Oshkosh 2016
Our First Year At Aviation’s Biggest Show The last time I posted anything we had just finished loading up the giant rental van for our long journey north to Oshkosh and AirVenture 2016. A huge thank-you to everyone who stopped by the booth. We had a very successful week in Wisconsin. We talked with hundreds of […]
Onward To Oshkosh!
A bit over three months ago we exhibited at Sun-N-Fun with DroidEFB, one of our application partners. The show was a huge success and resulted in over 250 orders over the next month. However, one of the most common refrains we heard was, “If you had them for sale here, I would buy one!”. Well, […]
Ghost In The Machine
At least once a week somebody sends me an email about an ADS-B traffic target that suddenly appeared on their EFB app, often just a hundred feet above or below, and less than half a mile behind. The reporter is never able to spot the target, which appears to doggedly follow them for a few […]
Back From Vacation, AHRS Challenge Extended
Just a quick “thank you” to everyone who has waited patiently for the past two weeks. The vacation in France was amazing and an excellent opportunity to recharge the batteries. I’ve already begun digging out and will be shipping all of the backorders on Monday. I’ll also be going through nearly 500 email messages. It may […]
Fix For Data Drop Issue, Vacation Next Week, Friction Mount
Service Bulletin: Fix For Data Drop Many users have contacted me over the past few days with reports of a new issue. In flight (or when near an ADS-B tower) the data flow from FlightBox periodically stops. It typically happens after 5 – 10 minutes of operations, does not cause the wifi connection to drop, and is […]
The Case Of The Missing Traffic
For the past several weeks I’ve been receiving reports from FlightBox customers of “missing traffic” – traffic observed visually or on some other system (TIS, TCAS) but not seen on their EFB application from ADS-B. In some cases the answer was a simple misunderstanding of the way ADS-B traffic currently works, but a subset of the reports […]
The Challenge of AHRS and the AHRS Challenge
$4,000 Bounty For A Working AHRS Software Implementation As most of you know, we’re working on a hardware add-on for FlightBox that will include AHRS – the sensors and software necessary to drive a virtual attitude indicator or provide attitude data to a synthetic vision system. We’ve made good progress on this. Our hardware engineer […]
The Re-Learning Curve, Remote GPS
Re-Learning Curve This isn’t my first entrepreneurial rodeo, but it’s been a while. I’ve spent the past several weeks re-learning several lessons. The first of these is that platform changes are never as easy as you expect. We recently switched from using the Raspberry Pi 2 to the new Raspberry Pi 3. In theory the change […]
Back From Sun-N-Fun
Sun-N-Fun 2016 Last week was something of a blurr. On Sunday I loaded up the Tiger with everything I needed for an exhibit (table, banner, demo FlightBoxes, tablet stands, tablets, etc.) and flew from Liberty, Missouri to Thomasville, Georgia. I spent the night there with some old friends (thanks, Ryan and Gina!) then got up on […]
FlightBox Assembly Guide and Video
Since we’ve started shipping FlightBox kits, I figured it was time to put up some instructions. The goal has always been to keep the process as simple and quick as possible. I’ve timed myself, and I can assemble a Dual Band FlightBox in about 4 minutes. A friend who agreed to act as a guinea […]